Contemporary Science Issues: Lessons for Key Stage 4
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Lesson 4: Should we diet?
Lesson plan
In these days of new diets and fast food; carefully scrutinise the evidence supporting the new diets and decide which ones are healthy and which are less use. Balanced diet is also revisited. A fun intro from Jamie Oliver.
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Biology Lesson 4 : Should we diet?
Curriculum Key: AQA 11.2 OCRA B2 OCRB B1b Edexcel topic 4
1. Extracting information
2. Interpreting information
3. Comparing different dieting strategies

Resources needed
Information sheets I1, I2, I3.
Worksheets W1, W2, W3.
Post-it notes
Internet for starter/computers if available
Starter: 5 minutes
Watch a clip of Jamie Oliver’s F. Rankfurter or Jamie Oliver visiting schools/ “Little Britain”; (Marjory Dawes and the Fat Fighters club). Students to note down five things that relate to a healthy or unhealthy diet.
Teacher input/assessment
Distribute sheets.
Organise role play if wished.
Main Activity 1: 15-20 minutes
In groups of 3-4. Students are given Information sheets I1 and I2. They then summarise the information on sheets I1 and I2 on to W1.
Teacher input / assessment
Distribute I1, I2 and W1.
Main Activity 2: 20-30 minutes
In groups of 3-4, students are given one diet each from Information sheet I3. They then summarise the information on sheet I3 diet on to W2. As a group complete W3 (enlarged to A3) using post-it notes. Alternatively, the information can be copied directly onto the sheets.
Teacher input / assessment
Distribution of I3 (one diet per person), W2 and W3.

Content of W3 is examined for accuracy.
Plenary: 5-10 minutes
Each group presents their findings of their preferred diet to the rest of the class. They must include information as to whether they would recommend the diet, and explain their reasons.
Teacher input / assessment
Judging of presentations.
Learning Outcomes:
All students must: Extract information and display it on the worksheets and posters.
Most students should: Interpret the information and share some results with the class.
Some students could: Use their results to suggest ways to reduce obesity in children.
Key Skills: extracting, interpretation and display of information
Key words: diet, carbohydrates, glycaemic
Homework: research celebrities’ diets.
More able: students given the option to design their own worksheets and/or present the information as a PowerPoint presentation if facilities are available.
Less able: teacher assists students by reading through the information on I1, I2 and I3. Students use highlighter pens to extract relevant information, with help from teacher/classroom assistant, then transfer information onto W1, W2 and W3 either on paper or as a PowerPoint presentation if facilities are available.
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