Contemporary Science Issues: Lessons for Key Stage 4
  Biology Chemistry Physics
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Lesson 3: DNA discovery
Resource list
The following resources for Lesson 3 are included on the CD. Right-click and save as to save to your machine.
Resource Description Filename Word PDF Power
Lesson Plan Outline of objectives, outcomes, lesson timing, required resources teacher inputs, differentiation, etc. 3 DNA discovery – Lesson plan word file pdf file    
Teaching notes Notes for conducting the lesson 3 DNA discovery – Teachers’ notes word file pdf file    
Main activity:
Card Sort
Students sort details leading-up to the discovery of the structure of DNA into a timeline. There are two versions – more and less difficult 3 DNA discovery – Timeline easier

3 DNA discovery – Timeline harder
     powerpoint file
powerpoint file
Rosalind Franklin text Text for higher ability students describing Rosalind Franklin’s life 3 DNA discovery – Text for higher ability word file    


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